Active C Pages - Demoscond.acp counter.acp env.acp nat_chars.acp params.acp post.acp props.acp ssi.acp
| Conditional ExampleConditional example:
While loop example:
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
For loop example:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And this is a test for the join tag...
Source code:
<H1>Conditional Example</H1>
<% int hello = 1; %>
<% int loop = 10; %>
Conditional example:<BR><BR>
<IF hello \>
<ELSEIF !hello \>
Well this won't happen
While loop example:<BR><BR>
<WHILE loop -- \>
For loop example:<BR><BR>
<FOR loop = 0; loop < 10; loop ++ \>
And this is a test for the join tag...<BR><BR>
<JOIN %%DOC*ROOT%%/ACP/Demos/test>
<B>Source code:</B><BR><BR>
<% ACPOUT_IncludeSource( out, ACP_GetDirOfRequestedFile( acp ), "/cond.acp" ); %>