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Active C Pages
Active C Pages
An Introduction
Active C Pages (or ACP) is a prototype system for delivering the best server side web data generation.
- Compile and load on demand ACP files (HTML/C hybrids);
- Customisable parsers;
- Facilities for close integration with any server technology;
- Binary Output support for non-HTML content;
- State retention and potential for caching data to optimise your site;
- Close integration with existing APIs;
- Designed with the corporate needs in mind.
ACP aims to be used in much the same way as comparable existing products (JSP/Servlets, Cold Fusion, ASP, CGI and PHP amongst others), but the twist is that we are not tied to any particular web server or operating system and no new language skills are required...
Active C Pages aim for 100% compatability with html.
- The implications of renaming an html file to acp simply improves it's performance on the web server as the contents are loaded into memory once and are subsequently delivered from there.
Dynamic Content Generation
- Because each execution of an ACP results in the code that generates your page or data is executed on the server, rather than read from a static file, your page can be constructed using data from your database, or your file system, or even another machine altogether, your ACP can always be up to date with little or no intervention on the server side required.
Skill Reuse
- Each of the existing technogies enforce you to reskill or re-employ to have the inhouse support required. As the systems move away from the older into the newer, your staff lag behind, and useful skills don't get excercised. ACP offers the chance to get the most out of your developers, regardless of their existing skillset.
What does it offer?
- Transparent recompilation of updated ACP files.
- Shared Service Modules
- Pluggable Parsers
- Pluggable protocols
Additional html tags are defined to plug in your source code - these can draw upon the wealth of libraries available on your operating system or can rely solely on the libraries provided with the ACP distribution.
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